Monday, October 27, 2008

A Memory

Once upon a time there was a 14-year-old girl named April Hoover. She lived with her mom, Teresa Hoover, because her dad, Max, died from pneumonia. April went to school at Z.J. Max School in Phoenix, Arizona. She hated going to school because a girl named Cassidy was bullying her and calling her names all the time.

Cassidy Rich had long, gold, smooth hair. She had a body like a model and a face like a Barbie doll.She had blue eyes and was 14 years old. She was rich and got whatever she wanted. She was a spoiled brat.

The reason Cassidy was bullying April was because April was a pro at rock climbing and Cassidy was jealous of her. Cassidy tried to get rid of her. Cassidy tried to lock April up in the janitor’s closet. The janitor was an old friend of her father and freed her. After she was freed, and April went to class and she told her teacher “Cassidy locked me up in the janitor’s closet.” The teacher sent Cassidy to the principal’s office. The principal suspended Cassidy for one week. After one week in school when April went to the bathroom Cassidy followed her. Cassidy grabbed April by her shirt and told her, “Today after school at the front I will fight you”

April asked, “What did I do to you?”

Cassidy said “You suspended me for one week!”

Cassidy dropped April and left the bathroom. One hour later Cassidy was waiting for April in front of the school.

When April got outside she saw Cassidy and was terrified! She didn’t want to fight she just wanted to be friends. Cassidy was going to punch April in the stomach but April dodged it. Then Cassidy hit April on the face and April said “ouch.” April kept dodging the attacks that Cassidy punched.

Then April remembered what her father said, “Tell the person that is trying to pick a fight with you should tell them to be friends instead of fighting with each other.”
April said, “We should be friends instead of fighting I will teach you how to go fast and beat the others at rock climbing.”
Cassidy said, “Okay if you teach me that I will not bully you any more.”

Then April and Cassidy became friends and never fought again. April had a dream that night that her father was telling her
“Be good to your mother.”

April said, “I will and I always love you and mom” and April smiled at her dad and hugged him.

In the morning she went to school with her new friend Cassidy every day. They lived happily ever after. April now knows that her father is in her heart and never be forgotten forever.

Reading project

i was thinking to do is like bring one of my necklaces from home and display it as if it was from London old times and it will be madame Forestier's necklace. i will really like it because my necklaces are fake like Forestier's necklaces. it would be really awsome if i could look up the necklaces that were in old time London.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our State Flag

Our state flag is so cool that i learned that the star that is above it is the North Star. I am so glad we have a flag that represents us for what we see at night which is really cool if you ever want to see it come to Alaska. We have eight stars, the seven stars represents the Big Dipper the eighth star represents the North Star. The North Star shows us where the North is, which i think it really goes well with our state because no other city can see the stars. But if you go camping out and you will see the stars since they are to beautiful.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Status is defined a person belongs to a group which he or she belongs.

When a person has status like a person who has a lot of money could act as if they are really nice and polite to people. Or a person who has not much money like a person who is trained well when they were rich. When their parents were rich. Or a person that is very nice but has a lot of money and is not being very polite and gentlemen like or lady like.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Birthday present

When my mom came back she gotten me an Ipod nano and the WII i wanted. it was a surprise when she got me an IPod nano i really, really like it very much i will bring it everday for years untill i get an iphone like my uncle Nori and aunt Angela. for the WII i set it up in my room i will bring my other games that are in michelle's apartment in Bethel they are really COOOOOL!!! for me and other game freaks. until i go home i will be listening to my songs on my Ipod.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


yesterday i was in Bethel because Michael didn't want to pick me up because it was to dark all because he went out hunting i wish he hadn't and now i am mad at him. i am furious at him but it gave me a little more time to do my homework and that was good for me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Inuyasha's Battle with lady Kikyo!!

On the start of the day Kagomi and Inuyasha was on their journey to find the Sacred Jewel Shards and defeat Naraku for revenge. On their way in the woods Inuyasha and Kagomi saw a castle. Inuyasha said, “I know that scent its Naraku’s and his miasma.“ They approached the castle and saw Kikyo walking around. Then Inuyasha asks, “Where is Naraku?” demandingly. Kikyo answered, “Find him yourself.” Inuyasha and Kikyo drew out their swords and began to battle and while Kagomi stands back and watches them in a safe distance. Inuyasha kept asking, “Where is Naraku hiding?” demandingly. Kikyo continued answering, ”Find him yourself!” and the fight goes on. A while later Inuyasha then asks again, “Where is Naraku hiding?” but Kikyo still doesn’t say. Then Kagomi asks in her mind “where would Naraku hide? Hmm”.
Kagomi senses a Sacred Jewel Shard near-by and sees it is with Kikyo. It’s in her Kimono to the left side of her stomach. Then Kagomi said to Inuyasha, “She has a sacred jewel shards on the left side Inuyasha!” Inuyasha aims for the left side of Kikyo but Kikyo dodges the attack and they keep battling on.
At last Inuyasha uses his wind scar on Kikyo and this time it hit her. But she is able to revive back to life. She then went into one of the rooms. Kikyo disappears in like two fingers snap, real fast.
Kagomi and Inuyasha tried to look for Kikyo but never found her. Kagomi and Inuyasha went back on their journey to find the sacred jewel shards and take revenge on Naraku.
The End

i'm always the one who

in my family i'm always the one who does dishes, sweep the floor, mop the floor, clean the oven, dust the house, way before the inspectores come to the houses to inspcet it which really sucks if you have a lot on your mind for what to do and also a lot of homework like me since i am in highschool and i have to memorize yupik songs for yupik class since i have to work hard very hard to just to stay in school. Right? i know i know i am whining since i am the ONLY GIRL IN MY FAMILY WHICH IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS FOR ME!!!!! i don't really like to be the only girl in my family. but i get things i want when i clean the house before my mom gets back and i will get it. Theres always good things to come when you clan the house RIGHT!?!?! i'm i right, i'm i right??!!